Answered By: Adam St. Pierre
Last Updated: Sep 01, 2015     Views: 52

If you're using and Nook Simple or still using Adobe Digital Editions to sideload titles to your Nook you can return an eBook like so:

If you have a reader such as the Nook or Sony reader and you used Adobe Digital Editions to transfer the book to your ereader, then you will also use Adobe Digital Editions to return the title.

  1. Open Adobe Digital Editions.
  2. Select the 'Library View' icon (in the upper left corner). 
    The Adobe Digital Editions library is displayed.
  3. Under the 'Bookshelves' heading, select 'Borrowed'.
  4. Click the eBook you want to return.
  5. Click the 'Item Options' arrow (in the upper left corner of the selected eBook).
  6. Select 'Return Borrowed Item'.
  7. Click 'Return' to verify that you want to return the eBook. 
  8. The eBook is returned

If you need anymore help please call us at 231-3750 or refer to our OverDrive for Nook Infoguide

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