Answered By: Joelle Maurepas
Last Updated: Sep 04, 2015     Views: 3248

It's a cinch.

Just go to here:

On the left hand side of the page you'll find the historical archives from the Times-Picayune

Click on this and the next page will give you search options:

At that page you may enter what keywords or date ranges you'd like to examine.

This is a fee-based service that requires logging in with a Times Picayune account.

You may sign up for an account here:

Use the "New User? Please Register" link.


Newsbank is available through most public library systems.  At the East Baton Rouge Parish Public Library, you can access Newsbank with a library card by going to our digital library's A-Z list, clicking on the name of the database, and then typing in your library card number.

Newsbank is also available to anyone with computer access at any of our branches, with or without a card. You can learn more about who has computer access in our patron computer use policy.


In addition to the Picayune's online archive and free access to the Picayune's backlog of articles to 1989, if you go to the Main library on Goodwood Blvd, you can access our microfilm collection.  Our microfilm collection includes the entire historical run of the Picayune from a month back to its beginnings (although some of the earliest editions have been lost).  For a small fee of .10 a page, you may print out images directly from the microfilm reproductions.

If you have any questions about Newsbank, the T-P archives, or using our microfilm, please give us a call at 225-231-3750.