Answered By: Joelle Maurepas
Last Updated: Sep 01, 2015     Views: 127

Here are some good suggestions that we pulled from Novelist.  Novelist is an online database that you have access to via our online databases here.  All you need is your library card to access Novelist.

If you need help finding or requesting these items in the library, give our staff a call at 225-231-3750.

1. Enclave
Aguirre, Ann
Reason: Fans of strong action heroines will enjoy both of these thrilling stories, where the heroines must literally fight for their survival in a harsh dystopian world. -- Jennifer Stubben Hatch
2. Blood red road
Young, Moira
Reason: In both of these fast-paced, futuristic-earth, dystopian novels, strong female characters must find their inner warrior in bleak circumstances in order to save a loved one and defeat dangerous societies. Secondary characters and underlying romance add even more dimension. -- Sarah Stanley
3. The house of the scorpion
Farmer, Nancy, 1941-
Reason: In a future world where leaders care only about the chosen, everyone else merely struggles to survive. Try a Hunger Games read-alike for action-packed, intense stories of teens fighting for their lives and the survival of their communities.
4. Hole in the sky
Hautman, Pete, 1952-
Reason: In a future world where leaders care only about the chosen, everyone else merely struggles to survive. Try a Hunger Games read-alike for action-packed, intense stories of teens fighting for their lives and the survival of their communities.
5. Exodus
Bertagna, Julie
Reason: In a future world where leaders care only about the chosen, everyone else merely struggles to survive. Try a Hunger Games read-alike for action-packed, intense stories of teens fighting for their lives and the survival of their communities.
6. Sharp north
Cave, Patrick
Reason: In a future world where leaders care only about the chosen, everyone else merely struggles to survive. Try a Hunger Games read-alike for action-packed, intense stories of teens fighting for their lives and the survival of their communities.
7. The Supernaturalist
Colfer, Eoin
Reason: In a future world where leaders care only about the chosen, everyone else merely struggles to survive. Try a Hunger Games read-alike for action-packed, intense stories of teens fighting for their lives and the survival of their communities.
8. Little brother
Doctorow, Cory
Reason: In a future world where leaders care only about the chosen, everyone else merely struggles to survive. Try a Hunger Games read-alike for action-packed, intense stories of teens fighting for their lives and the survival of their communities.
9. Epic
Kostick, Conor, 1964-
Reason: In a future world where leaders care only about the chosen, everyone else merely struggles to survive. Try a Hunger Games read-alike for action-packed, intense stories of teens fighting for their lives and the survival of their communities.

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