Go to our library homepage and then select Catalog, the link under the search bar, or click "Go" next to the search bar (you don't have to enter anything). This will take you to the online catalog. On the left side of the screen click on the 'Log On' button and enter your library card number and name code (explained on that screen). (You can also log on by clicking on the "Renew Books" link under the search bar, which will take you directly to the sign-in screen.)
When you've signed in, you can click on the "Titles I have checked out now & my renewal area" link under "Loan Information/Renewals." This will bring up a list of all the titles you currently have checked out.
Online you can only view items that are currently checked out. If you'd like to know about items that you have checked out in the past and returned, you'll need to call a branch or go to a library to ask that check-out history be enabled for your card. We will not be able to recover your previous checkout history, but any book checked out after the history is turned on will be permanently recorded with your account.
If you would like to know the balance on your card, you can use the "My Account" link in the "Loan Information/Renewals" section of your account information, or call the library at 225-231-3740. Have your library card ready.
We do not give out information about your account if you do not have the card number. If you have lost your card, you will need to go to a library branch and present picture ID in order to access information about your account. Replacement cards cost $1.00.
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