To put a hold on a book through our catalog:
Go to our library homepage and then select Library Catalog/Renew Books. This will take you to the online catalog. On the left side of the screen click on the 'Log On' button and enter your library card number and name code (explained on that screen).
Now that you are logged in, search for your book. From the results list, click on the book that you are looking for and this will open up the full record. Here at the bottom of the page you can see which branches have a copy and how many holds there are on a checked out book. Click the 'place holds' button on the left and then you will be directed to choose where you would like to pick the book up. Then click 'place hold' and you're done!
Alternately you can call us at 231-3750 and we'll be glad to place items on hold for you.
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