Answered By: Joelle Maurepas
Last Updated: Sep 15, 2015     Views: 58

The library has access to electronic versions of Consumer Reports through its subscription with EBSCO databases.

  1. Click on The Digital Library in the bar near the top of the library's homepage and choose MasterFILE Premier from the A-Z List.
  2. Enter your library card number when prompted.
  3. In the Publication box, enter "Consumer Reports". This way, you will only retrieve articles that appeared in Consumer Reports. Make sure you spell it correctly! The database is unforgiving.
  4. In the Find box, enter the type of product you are searching for, such as "desktop computers".
  5. Browse the articles that appear. You may print out the full text articles that are available, including those handy charts that Consumer Reports makes. Fold it up, put it in your pocket and head out to the store!

The full-text Consumer Reports articles are in pdf format, appearing as they would in the print magazine. Note that there is a restriction -- Consumer Reports articles will not be available in full text until they are three months old. In this case, if you need an article that is newer than three months, you will have access to the citation, and thus will be able to easily find the article in the print version, which is available at the library.

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