Answered By: stephanie mayeux
Last Updated: Aug 24, 2015     Views: 103

You can check the expiration date on your library card by logging in to your account.

From the library's homepage, click the "Renew Books" link under the catalog search bar at the top of the page. This will bring you directly to the sign-in screen, where you can enter your library card number and name code (first four letters of your last name, first three letters of your first name) to log on. Then click the "My Personal Information" link in the "My Library" section to see when your library card will expire.

You can also log on to your account from the catalog by clicking the "Log on" button on the left side of the page; it will take you to the same sign-in screen.

If the expiration date has already passed, you will have to come in to the circulation desk of any branch with your photo ID to renew it. You will need to make sure all your overdue fines have been paid to renew your card, and there is still no way to pay fines online.

If you have lost your card, the card replacement fee is $1.00.

Comments (2)

  1. Does the library plan to add the feature to their website to enable patrons to check the status of their library card online and even renew it online? It would be very helpful especially for someone online at 3AM trying to use the library services only to find their card has expired, or they are currently not able to physically visit the library to renew the card. Thanks
    by Marilyn S Hines on Oct 05, 2013
  2. The library already offers that on our online catalog. You may log into your account from the library's catalog with your library card number and a passcode of the first three letters of your last name and the first two of your first name.
    by Theresa W Wagner on Oct 05, 2013

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