In Overdrive, your Wish List is for titles that you are interested in checking out at a later date. You can add items to your Wish List if you have already used your downloads for the week, or if you simply want to remind yourself that this title is available on Overdrive. It may be easier to think of your Wish List as a "To Read" list-- it does not put you on a waiting list for an item, but rather it is a list of items you are interested in eventually reading.
A Wishlist on Freegal is a little more difficult to explain, because we see it so rarely. The library pays for a certain amount of downloads each week; if our number of downloads has been exceeded and you see a song you would like to download, Freegal will give you the option of adding the song to your Wishlist. Whenever our weekly number of downloads is replenished (11pm on Sundays), you will receive an email notification that the items on your Wishlist are available to download.
I hope that answers your question! Please call (225) 231-3750 for further information.
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