eBooks are available through our download service Overdrive. When you choose a title and go through the process of checking it out you will be asked how long you would like the book for. You can choose a loan period of either 7,14 or 21 days.
You don't need to return the book, it automatically becomes unusable at the end of the loan period. Which means it can't be late and there are no fines. You also can't return books early if you've downloaded them (though you can if you've only read them in your browser).
The downloadable books work much the same as the regular library, there are limited copies of titles and if all copies are checked out then you can be added to the hold list so you'll be notified when the title is ready for you to download. If a book is available you will see the option 'Add to my eBookbag' if it is checked out you will see the option 'Add me to the eHolds list.' If there is nobody waiting for a book you were using, then you can check the title out again if you hadn't finished reading it or just wanted it again.
You can learn more about how Overdrive works with our "Get Started with Overdrive" infoguide.
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