We have access to Gonzales Weekly obituaries, but we do not carry the entire publication. Neither do we carry Saint Francisville Democrat or Ascension Citizen. You can find the Gonzales Citizen Online and Ascension Citizen Online, in case you're interested.
LSU has copies of St. Francisville Democrat and Gonzales Weekly in microfilm. They are both located in Hill Memorial Special Collections Library, which you can contact at (225) 578-6551.
Ascension Parish Library also has copies of Ascension Citizen and Gonzales Weekly on microfilm. Their number is (225) 647-3955.
You may be able to find individual articles using our Newsbank database. This is accessible from our homepage; you will need a library card to be able to use it from your home, but you can use it within any branch without a card number.
Please call (225) 231-350 if you have any further questions.
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